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  Schedule Information  
Ship: Neil Armstrong Schedule Status: Final Schedule ID: 14585
Schedule Year: 2021 Schedule Name: Version 10
Notes: ***2021 US Academic Research Fleet vessel schedules are subject to change as the COVID-19 pandemic evolves. Scheduled cruise Chief Scientists are urged to keep in close contact with the vessel operators to remain aware of any updates/changes.

11/1: 3 day later departure from WHOI for Fall Pioneer d/t a severe storm. Removed an in-between port day and 2 days from overall cruise.
10/21: Deadhead from Reykjavik departed 1 day later than scheduled d/t severe N/ Atlantic storm. Arrival WHOI stayed the same.
8/25: C.Lee end port changed from Reykjavik to Hafnarfjordur back to Reykjavik.
6/5: Rearrange Norse mobe days btw whoi & reykj.
5/25: Split Fall Pioneer to 2, 12 days cruises
5/13: Added 8 day OTZ cruise in July
5/7: AR54 Arrives 1 day later d/t unfinished ops., removing the covid cleaning day, 1 day added to ONR funding for the year.
4/26: AR53 departs 1 day later d/t wx (23rd). Return 25th d/t medical situation. Depart 26th, taking the Covid cleaning day on the 28th to make up for time lost. 1 day added to ONR funding for the year.
4/17: Pioneer arrives home 1 day earlier (April 17th), day was added to demobe.
3/16: 1 day delayed departure d/t covid test/ isolation timing
2/1: YT Lin TFO Test cruise deferred to mid March d/t weather
Late departure & early return for YT Lin TFO Test Cruise d/t wx
1/25: Swap Nesba #1 w/ OOI Pioneer to help w/ Isolation time
12/17: AR50, Shift 2 days to the right to help engineering team prep
11/25: Removed 22 day July cruise, "SBCEXP" as per CS P. Wilson
10/5: Nesba shifts all cruises & adds 2 days
9/17: Nesba Pilot Jan 25- Feb 10 NE Shelf or Hatteras or off GA
*Wilson has until March 1, 2021 to decide if this coring cruise will be on Armstrong
8/28: Covid days added & NESBA cleaned up
8/4: -10d J.Coates "W"
7/30: NESBA Pilot shifted to March as per DB
6/5: NESBA Pilot fm fall 2020, shifted to fall 2021 d/t lack of staff/ covid timing-
K.Becker may defer the 3 ship spring operation. TBD
5/5: -26d D'Hondt "W"
2/28: 3 Ship ONR Ops w/ Armstrong, Endeavor & Hugh Sharp
2/13th: Mullholland not funded
2/10: S. Biggore "HOSTA" not funded
Makris: AR has an EK80...Not going until 2022
2/7: No OSNAP W, BLT, Niskine or Davis Straights in 2022
2/6/2020: OOI Pioneer STR's missing
Aug 2019: Institutional days for 2021 will be a 7 day cruise via a call for proposals, and the usual 3 days cruise with the joint program students (Tivey)
  Cruise Information  
Ship Request Information
Operator Cruise ID: AR63
Chief Scientist: Margaret K. Tivey, WHOI
Activity Type: At Sea for Science
Created By: Kerry Strom
Compare Request:
Project Short Title:
Requested Year:
Requested Ship:  
Request Type:  
Created By:  
Load Non-charge Days: 0
Load Charge Days: 0   Load Date: 11/26/2021
Activity Days: 3 Adjustment Days Start Date: 11/26/2021
Transit Days: 0 0 End Date: 11/28/2021
Unload Charge Days: 0   Unload Date: 11/28/2021
Unload Non-charge Days: 0
Mob Days:  
Science Days: Optimum Start Date:
Transit Estimate: Earliest Start Date:
Demob Days: Latest Start Date:
Repeating Cruise: Dates To Avoid:
Number of Repeating Cruises: Repeating Interval:
Repeating Cruise Comments:
PI   Project/Purpose   Agency   Funding Status   Op Days
  Student Cruise   INST/WHOI   Funded   3
  Start Port: Woods Hole, MA, USA
  End Port: Woods Hole, MA, USA
Requested Start Port:
Intermediate Port(s):
Requested End Port:
Port Comments:
  Lat/Long Marsden Grid Navy Op Area
0° N / 0° E map
335 map
SA02 map
0° N / 0° E map
335 map
SA02 map
  Show Degrees Minutes    
Op Area Description: none
  Lat/Long Marsden Grid Navy Op Area
Op Area Description:
Coastal States Requiring Clearance: US EEZ(T)
Foreign Clearance Required:
Foreign Clearance Comments:
Ancil Facilities:
Instrumentation Requested:
Instrumentation Comments:
Ancil Facilities Requested:
Ancil Facility Comments:
External Cruise Webpage:
Cruise Notes: