MFP Transition

Transition to Marine Facilities Planner

The U.S. Academic Research Fleet is moving to a new science cruise planning tool in 2021 which will replace the Ship Time Request and Scheduling system (STRS). You will be redirected to the MFP when attempting to request ship time.

The Marine Facilities Planner provides scientists and vessel operators with modern professional tools and collaboration software.

Please use the following guide to get started.

mfp functions

Create an MFP User Account

  1. Go to the Marine Facilities Planner
  2. Click "Request an account" on the top menu.
  3. Complete the required information.
  4. Once submitted and approved, you will receive an email with login information.
New account button

Request Ship Time and Equipment

Ship time is requested using the Science & Marine Equipment (SME) request form. This form replaces the Ship Time Request form. To create a new request, click "Ship-Time & Marine Equipment Request Form (SME) in the New Application section.



  1. Like the STRS system, each cruise requires a separate request form (SME request form).
  2. SMEs for these multi-cruise projects will be linked through the SME process.
  3. SMEs can be easily duplicated to ease the burden of creating multiple requests.
  4. Once submitted and approved, you will receive an email with the login information.